Birth stories
Read the birth experiences of some of the women who have been supported by us at Min Fødsel.
On the joy of giving birth to Nele
Even though there is nothing I want more than to finally hold my little girl in my arms, I look forward to the birth of our third daughter with mixed feelings...
Annie's birth story
After a traumatic induction experience at a hospital in 2020, choosing to expand my family with a second child was frankly very scary...
When home birth suddenly isn't possible
For us, home birth was an obvious 'plan A' for our second pregnancy. But when my water broke a few days before the due date and labor didn't start on its own, we had to rethink everything...
Samantha's birth story
That a birth experience sits well with you over time is not a given. This Mama shares that it did, even though it was hard, hard work that pushed her to the limit, at the time...
Amy and Erling's birth story
Thank you so much for all your support during my pregnancy and birth. I have never felt safer or more cared for than I did in my own home with Birthe and Petra. My husband and I were amazed by...